Sunday, July 31, 2016

Marijuana Addiction and Birth Defects

marijuana addiction

Marijuana Addiction among pregnant is dangerous to the developing fetus. It can cause pregnancy complications and may lead to birth defects.

Drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine are all predisposing factors for the baby’s birth defects.  Any illicit drug ingested by the pregnant women can potentially harm the fetus.

Marijuana addiction during pregnancy can cause birth deformities including low birth weight, premature births, early exposure of THC to the unborn child and other physical and mental defects.

Aside from drugs, smoking is damaging to the unborn child because of carbon monoxide. It interrupts the supply of oxygen that can lead to miscarriage or stillbirth, possible premature birth and growth issues.

Premature Births

Studies have been found that marijuana addiction influences premature births. Preterm delivery is dangerous because the unborn child is more exposed to various defects since development is not yet in full term. Babies may have problems with feeding, vision and hearing problems and breathing problems.

Various Birth Deformities

Babies born to marijuana addicted mothers are 20 percent more likely to have birth defects. They are more exposed to teratogen that interrupts the unborn child’s development.

Marijuana can lead to different birth deformities such as low IQ, poor cognitive function, attention problems and newborn behavior issues.  There is also a study that has shown that addiction to weed while pregnant can cause ventricular septal defects  or heart defects to the fetus.

Low Birth weights

There is also an evidence found that marijuana addiction during pregnancy can cause the child to have low birthweight. The baby could be born with a weight of less than 5 pounds. Aside from that, the baby could be born with smaller head size and length of the body.


Pregnant women using marijuana could have a stillbirth. They are 2x more probable to have stillbirth compared to those who do not use marijuana at all. The fetus dies inside the womb just following 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Babies born from mothers who are marijuana user tend to experience withdrawal symptoms from marijuana addiction. Like adults withdrawing from drug use, babies may also experience tremors or may become irritated after they were born. It diminishes after several days.

Marijuana and Breastfeeding

A mother who continuously uses marijuana may pass the active ingredient of the drug called THC to the baby. The drug can affect the quality of milk produced by the mother. The baby gets all the toxins from the mothers that affect the brain development.

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